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Posts posted by WaterProofCandy

  1. 100% titan dance fear controls me but I had questions for you off topic I wanted to DM but i didnt wanna be a creep


    i got good advice here lol my questions are ik odd im weird im not perfect i got stuff to work on


    1) how did u meet this person who played tons of video games


    2) how old was he  how old are you


    3) was he quiet introverted?


    4) did he live with his parents have a job?

  2. for me its walking up to x girl I like and being do you wanna date thats hard as heck. I feel like I have the looks/personality im normal no incel/sexist but im a coward and too cowardly to ask anyone out thus here we are lol

  3. The thing about playing video games too much though is that you can end up being isolated and spending too much time alone. Which doesn't help you meet women. Last year I briefly dated a guy who was a hermit basically his whole life and only played video games all the time with his online friends. He was 30 and had never dated or had sex or anything. The other thing was he said he was really happy he had finally found someone but instead of doing things with me he mostly just kept playing video games. I tried talking to him about it and he said he didn't think it was an issue, so I broke up with him. I didn't want to date someone who doesn't do anything together as a couple.


    >honestly thats just dumb even tho I PLAY LOTS if i had a girlfriend we would go to sushi or do biking togethee be gym buddies and grow together. Lemme tell you this right now I do play lots of video games sit in my room a lot but if i had a gf i would prob drop it i wouldnt sit at home while shes downstairs what the heck? right now if someone offered me a nursing JOB over seas i would jump, im mature but i havent really partied and did that stuff so im kinda weird/akward


    but damn u actually stayed with him good on u , you gave him a chance I suppose right?

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  4. 5 hours ago, smackie9 said:

    Step one :change your perception/attitude.

    Sept two: get help with your anxiety, whether you seek therapy/medication, life coach/dating coach, take a public speech course, etc to boost confidence.

    Step three: ditch the video games, and the geek stuff. Women want a man not a man child.

    Step four: find mature hobbies like wine tasting, hiking, fishing, art, music. Something that will give you some substance, intellect. 

    Step five: Update your look. Get yourself some style, new look, hair style, new wardrobe. This will get you noticed. 

    Step six: get on some dating apps, present your new look with some good photos, and a simple description about yourself. Now you are off to the races. 

    the rest yes but



    Step three: ditch the video games, and the geek stuff. Women want a man not a man child.


    no to that just no If i do get into a relationship tho... I will def cut down playing video games by 80% but to stop it completely no, I enjoy computers math and the universe, james webb telescope etc


    I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to help me and give me advice


    Once I go back to school for nursing I will focus go the gym and improve myself

  5. 3 hours ago, Jibralta said:

    Don't forget: everybody is not your enemy. Most people are just going about their daily life, thinking about their own problems, not thinking about you at all. You don't know them; they don't know you. You have a clean slate. Just be nice, be receptive, and be respectful to others. Interact with people, don't watch videos about them. You're part of the human race.


    so in ur opinion most people arnt looking @ me? or thinking about me?

  6. 1) am I viable for dating? do I make enough money? I make 25 an hour and I work in a hospital hopefully thats enough for women?

    not a sexist or a simp , i respect the women I work with ( its a lot )


    2) I have not dated anyone im 33 is it too late to start?


    3) spend my 20's working in college and just playing video games


    4)is 5inches enough if I do plan to have sex with a girl? or like am i not able to have sex with that size?


    5) does height matter? im 189 cm's but im skinny/thin/bike ride a lot


    6) do i have to make the first move? i must be ugly because noone ever asked me out lol


    7) should I wait until im older 40's 50's+ to start dating once I get enough life expierence?


    I suffer from anxiety/low self asteem can I still get a date? I can talk to people at my work (going to school for nursing soon) but I just keep my head down low and only spoke when people talk to me otherwise im quiet


    idk what ass i came out of but even tho I never dated anyone I still simp or give $ to a the opposite gender its weird maybe low self asteem low self worth but idk

    8 )  i think my mind is screwy not mental health wise but i just dont know what to do, all these red pil videos and black pill videos got me confused i really dont know anything about women,


    9) is okay to approach a girl will that be creepy? im black I dont wanna get excused of anything sexual, 

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