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Posts posted by rosesandhoney

  1. Hey all,

    So I was talking to/ seeing a guy briefly for like a month and a half. I only met up w him twice but we talked more often on social media. It was one of those situationship/hooking up situations so I know I'm just freaking out but I really liked him. He would have like non sexual conversations with me which was a step up from the last guy I hooked up with as I only heard from that man when he wanted me to come over. Anyways, apart from talking with this guy like a normal person, he would either initiate or further any sexual conversations every so often. Ask me for pics, "plan" a time to hook up or whatever and not follow through. Finally he told me he's trying to work on himself and can't have sex for religious reasons which is a valid thing to say if he was telling the truth. He said he wanted me to "have closure" and was asking me if I would respect that from him. My thing is why didn't he unadd me on social? I still have him on two platforms but I thought it was weird that someone he has history with like that he wouldn't remove. Looking for insight as to his intentions with this one. 

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