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Posts posted by AlienRiots

  1. Hey all! 

    I've been experiencing some issues within my relationship I could use some outside perspective on. 

    I'm someone that deeply values true quality time. Attention solely on us, creating a bond and memories and all that fun stuff. 

    My partner of about a year and a half now sees quality time as just existing in the same space. 

    I've tried conversations about this. I've tried explaining that just coexisting in a room together is not my idea of quality time. He expresses that I should be able to ask him when I want to do things together, and I do! But if it's something outside of the house I'm always disappointed with excuses, and if it's at home it is not long before he's distracted with another thing and I'm left in the background yet again. 

    I feel like it's not much to ask for my partner to want to include me in things he does or offer to do something with me on occasion, but he feels I'm just trying to assign him options to choose from in order to spend time together. 

    I am not feeling valued. And the sense of rejection is so high when even a conversation about wanting him to engage more seems to roll into an argument. 

    Am I seeing things wrong? Not understanding his perspective? 

    Thoughts? Advice? Any welcome. 

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