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Posts posted by Bvc476

  1. It just means he finds you attractive. To me, 'cute' is a bit more innocent than 'sexy' or 'hot'. It means there's maybe something innocent about you or he doesn't want to use the other words. It's just another synonym, don't read too much into it, doesn't mean you're just okay attractive or whatever. He's probably into you. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, MrMan1983 said:

    Update: She has started initiating contact a lot more often again now (I keep it short but light in response) and she's moved back to the language we had at the start, we brought up the activity again earlier so I asked her what days she's free so I can get it booked in and get off the phone. Heard nothing back for hours then she started texting me back about something completely different (which was admittedly something funny that had just happened) but frustrated me that my question above had been ignored.

    Maybe I'm the back up guy or as was mentioned above she's only lukewarm, unless of course she comes back to my message by the end of today. I'll probably just leave her be as I was direct about trying to book it and surely if she was keen to see me she would of tried to set a date.

    Thankfully I feel mentally relaxed about it all now unlike before, just a bit bemused.

    Yes, wait till the end of the day to see if she says anything about it. If she doesn't just ask her again 'So what days work for you? You didn't respond'. If she doesn't respond again then just suggest a day and time yourself. 

  3. Remember, a girl who likes you will be happy that you're texting her. She may simply be busy, it's best not to overthink it yet. It's not because you were over eager. If you were sending her 20 texts in a row literally every second then maybe that would've scared her away but if it was a fairly normal amount of texts that's not it. Just send a follow up text either now or the next day, asking how she is and tell her your plans for the next date. Two excuses in a row seem a bit weird indeed but you never know. Just see what happens then, if she starts responding 2 days later consistently and waits too long to go out again then that might be concerning. 

  4. Looks like he just wanted sex. He's a player and perfectly knew what to say and do to make you swoon. Isn't it suspicious that everything was so perfect? Either he's a player with a roster or secretly he's still with his ex, that's what I think. Maybe something turned him off? Could be he has some attachment problems too but at this age he should've sorted it out long ago. The best way to deal with it is to be honest with him, ask him how he sees it further. Not too long ago I learned that the best way of dealing with such issues is just to communicate with people. Tell him that you feel something changed, tell him exactly what you think and that you'd like him to change this behaviour, otherwise you'll have to say goodbye because there's a whole world of other men out there who will be consistently clear from the beginning. See what he does. If he keeps being like this then he doesn't care about you and you should move on. I learned not to care about whether I come across too needy or clingy, I don't give a damn anymore. If my neediness/clinginess scares a man away then he's not the one. In your 40's I don't think there's time to wait around for any man, it's not an immature boy, he's a grown ass man who should know what he wants, no excuses. Anyway, keep dating others too, it's always better to have backups just in case. 

  5. 46 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

    How old is he? Do you work or go to school together? Delete and block people you find annoying.

    Unless a guy specifically asks you out, he's not interested. There's no mixed signals there at all.

    Have you read the book 📚 "He's Just Not That Into You"?.

    It may help you identify timewasters and not bother talking to or flirting with them.

    We're both very young, we met at university. I might look into that book, thanks.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Why would a guy give me mixed signals, glance, flirt with me, suggest to hang out without making specific plans, be nice one day and mean/avoid or look at me angrily the next, and be hot&cold on text? Sometimes he'd flirt with my friend in front of me too. And say some weird stuff insinuating that I don't love him, why this game/manipulation? Many times I felt like he was just stringing me along. On the other hand it makes no sense to me, to act like this for months. I flirted back and showed some interest, I said yes when he suggested to meet and still hot&cold went on. I thought he'd suggest a date, place and time but that never happened. When he talked to me again I got pissed, ignored him and went no contact, we don't talk anymore. He looked like a nice guy and seemed genuinely interested sometimes but I'm probably a fool here. Why do they come crawling back only when I get fed up for good? And then get all mad because I've had enough and ignored them? It was so emotionally draining that I just couldn't handle it anymore. It still is. The worst part is that I keep blaming myself but at the same time I think I did the right thing because I thought he actually wasn't really that interested. I don't know anymore.

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