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Posts posted by nyccbaby13

  1. I just transferred to a new college and so far I've been loving it.  I've done casual hookups before but I'm not really sure what's going on with this one because I feel like it's getting messy and kind of complicated.  About two weeks ago, I met a guy at a frat house.  We're both rushing Greek life for the same brother/sister fraternity and sorority so ever since then we've attended a lot of the same parties.  He got my number and we started hanging out a lot outside of the parties, like studying together and getting food just general things around campus.  At first, I thought he was a typical frat guy but he's actually pretty reserved and not really that friendly with girls or anyone in general which I actually kind of like. We've also started hooking up and he told me he's never went all the way before or had a real girlfriend (which surprised me).  We haven't slept together yet but we've came close to it a good amount of times so far.  It's never really been planned, it almost always happens whenever we hangout or study.

    Which is why I'm slightly unsure how to act because casual hookups in my experience have usually been when I'm drunk or just a one night kind of thing.  Neither of us have ever been drunk when we kiss or hookup.  Even at parties, we end up making out stone cold sober.  Or after we study he would hold my face and kiss me goodbye.  I've been enjoying this up until last night when I feel like something between us slightly shifted but I don't know if I'm just overthinking or maybe I'm starting to have a thing for him.   He invited me to a party at the house, he found me and asked me about my friend because he thought there was something going on between us.  My friend actually does like me, but that's irrelevant here which is what I told him.  He kissed me, we started making out, and he said "God (my name) what are you doing to me". And then he held my face and we were just staring at each other until my friend found me and took me away because we had to leave.  My heart was pounding the whole time for the first time ever and now I'm feeling confused.  

    I don't really want a boyfriend, and he's also so reserved outside of the parties, that I'm not really sure what he's thinking either.  I feel like since I just started college, I don't want to move too fast with anything.  Since most of our interactions are either studying or making out, I'm not really sure what the college hookup etiquette is.  I know a lot of people call it sneaky links but it's different for everyone.  Any opinions would be great, like what your experiences with college hookups were like.

  2. 32 minutes ago, SooSad33 said:

    And why would you do this?

    How great would you feel after doing that -- any guilt ?

    I would not want to be seen as someone who tries to break up a couple 😕 . I am respectful and keep my distance.

    You are 19.  You've got a lot to learn.  all of you at this age are just getting going with your lives. Don't let this be a hard lesson or regrets.

    And as for him... yeah, it can be easy to 'catch their interest', but none of this is fair.. the pressures on him ( with you knowing full well he's taken) and I can imagine how affected she would be if she were to learn of all of this going on at the workplace!


    Fact ~> He is NOT available.

    As asked, why can't you respect this guy and back off , go look for your own?

    I don't go out "looking" for a boyfriend, when it happens it just happens.  I had a boyfriend for a while up until March like I responded to someone else.  We broke up because I wasn't feeling him.  I wasn't looking for a new boyfriend, I just happened to meet this guy and started liking him.  But also I already said I'm going to forget it if you scroll up so no more replies needed

  3. 9 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

    If you want to hook up with a guy who has a GF, go ahead. But it's not going to be fun at work. Besides, he doesn't even seem that interested.

    How come you can't find you're own BF?

    I did have a boyfriend who I broke up with in March.  This isn't rebound or anything, I just started liking this guy.  Well I know from my post I didn't give much details about why I feel he's into me, I tried to sum it up in just that we spend a lot of alone time together. He asked me the last time I was at work if something was "happening  between us right now" and I just nervously laughed it off because a customer came in and he had to go back to the warehouse.  But you're right, hooking up with him right now would be a stupid thing to do.  I don't want to try and "steal" him, it's more like I want to drop little hints and if he picks up on it and breaks up with her, then maybe we can see if something's there.

  4. Okay so pretty much the title sums it up but it's not exactly "moves" as in I wouldn't seduce the guy or anything, I just mean when we hangout is it wrong to playfully touch each other and talk a lot?

    We're both 19 and in college, back in our home city where we met in late May at our summer job.  So things started out totally platonic and he mentioned he had a girl he was seeing.  Okay cool, I was excited for him.  Fast forward to now, we're pretty much together all the time at work.  Our job is split up into two areas, a retail shop where we sell candles and right behind it is the warehouse.  I work in both places so whenever I'm in the shop alone, he would come and spend his lunch breaks with me.  We'd always be alone, sitting close together and playing songs for each other.  I feel like this crush may just be temporary since we go back to school in August, though our colleges are very close to each other.  I think it's stupid to list all the things he's said/done that may be hints so I'm not going to waste your guys' time, but in my gut, I feel like he likes me a little bit too?  At one point, he's asked me what my type is in a guy and how I felt about boys I used to date.  It's subtle things he would do and say besides that (like touching my forehead), that give me the feeling he likes me, but nothing that crosses boundaries. 

    As for his gf, he told me how they met.  They met at a party in April and she gave him her social media, told him to hit her up and that they got together pretty fast because they were both looking to get cuffed.  Cuffed is slang for a relationship/booed up.  We were joking around asking if either of us have ever been in love and he said he wouldn't know, that he and his girlfriend don't do much else than lay around and watch television so there's not much chance to fall in love.  Soo, I pretty much see this boy 5 days a week for 8 hours so it's kind of hard not to get a crush on him.  Although it could just be convenience and maybe he only hangs around with me because we're the same age and all of the other workers have years on us.  It's a very tight knit company, my dad's company actually built the store and everyone's friends with the employers.  

    A part of me just wants to swoop in for real and make some moves on him, while the other part of me is like no!  Girl code.  If I wasn't myself and I was looking in on this fromt he outside, I'd think "what a tramp."  But yeah, I guess you'll never know until you're actually in this situation.  I'd love to get any advice.

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