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Posts posted by somechick272

  1. 25 minutes ago, tattoobunnie said:

    I would have also been someone that asked if my siblings, cousins, friends could go 🤣. When it comes to traveling to different countries, I see it as a once in a lifetime thing, and there's a place to stay with someone who knows all the cool stuff and things to eat and do and see?  Super bonus.  

    You could have just said, "not this time, but definitely another time."

    The way you responded was one, you don't see your BF's brother as future family.  And two, your BF if a moron who didn't know better.

    I think you built up all romance in your head without letting him know.  I mean think about it, your mom will be there the whole time too.  Doesn't translate as romantic to me.

    My mom is going to stay in the countryside with her family while me and my bf will stay in the city, doing our own thing

  2. I told him no and that he should have never entertained the idea in the first place as it is a trip for me, him, and my family. Not a free for all. His response really upset me. He tried to guilt me by telling me that it’s his brother’s birthday that month. However, he and their friends are already celebrating his brother’s birthday that weekend before he comes, by going to a 3 day music festival. I told him that I was completely baffled and upset that he doesn’t want to be alone with me and would rather bring someone along. He responded by saying that we can have an amazing time with guests and that there is “nothing wrong with it but yeah we’ll go with your decision.” 

    I’m very upset that he apparently doesn’t see anything wrong with letting his brother come along with us on this trip. He knows how much it means to me. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

    Well at least he asked. Discuss if the BFs brother would be willing to hang out with your mom and family to familiarize himself while you two go do your own thing.

    If the brother can keep himself busy, then you two can go off and do whatever you wish. What would the brother's accommodations be?

    Three is a crowd, so if the brother can travel around solo or with your family it could work.

    His brother would be tagging along with me and my bf on everything we plan to do. 😐

    • Sad 1
  4. My bf and I have been together for over 2 years. He recently moved 7 hours away from me for a job, so we are doing long distance at the moment and I’ve been struggling with it because I used to see him every day to now only once a month for a few days. So, whenever I do see him, I really value and cherish our quality time together.

    A little backstory: my mom and I are going to Vietnam together in August for 2 weeks to visit family. I’m really just going to be with my mom for the first week, and my bf is going to meet me there on the second week and we will do our own thing together in the city while my mom resides in the countryside. While we both anxiously waited for him to get his approval for vacation, I constantly expressed to my bf how much it means to me that he’s going to be with me in the motherland and how excited I am for him to meet my family and learn more about my culture (we are interracially dating). With that being said, just this morning he asked me if his brother can tag along, as a third wheel, with us since he apparently “always wanted to go.”  While I appreciate him asking me, I am still extremely upset because I wanted romantic, quality alone time with my bf. We have many romantic plans such as having dinner on a cruise ship overlooking a nice view.  I feel like I am left in a very uncomfortable and tough situation because this is his brother and it’s his “one” chance to visit Vietnam with someone who can speak the language. But I don’t know what the guy is even thinking cause I would never invite myself to a trip with him and his girl. I really do not like the idea of him tagging along with us everywhere we go..

    Will I look like an a-hole if I tell him I don’t want his brother to go? Am I overreacting? Where should I go from here? 

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