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Posts posted by bagelbakes33

  1. I (22F) have known this guy (22M) for about two years now. A few months ago, we met again for the first time in a while, and he confessed that he had been interested in me when we first met, but after being teased by our friends he said that his feelings towards me had faded since some time had passed. I didn't think much of it at the time as I wasn't particularly interested in starting anything with him. However, we have been seeing each other (with other friends) a lot more recently, and I've found myself thinking about him a lot. He's a naturally flirty person, and has been openly complimenting me in front of our friends and doing little things to help me. I didn't want to admit it, but I think I've fallen for him as well. 

    The problem is that he hasn't made any other moves. I would go out with him if he asked. Is there a chance that he really doesn't like me romantically anymore? I don't understand why he would confess to me and flirt like that if he just wanted to stay as friends. I really want to get closer to him and hang out with him one on one, but I also don't want to make things awkward between us. Should I make the first move and how?

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