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Posts posted by aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  1. I have a mental illness. I am a regular attendee at a community support organisation for my illness.

    Recently I have gotten to know one of the staff social workers a bit better. Had a few heart to hearts. Lately, she has become a bit more 'up close and personal'. Whenever we do stuff together, she tends to stand/sit much closer than what a lot of ladies would be comfortable with. Serious body contact. Wouldn't have thought a lady would do that if she wasn't attracted to me.

    Not that I mind - she's very pretty and I like her as a person. Would love to make a move. 

    HOWEVER there are a couple of issues. 

    1. Maybe I am reading the situation wrong.

    2. If her boss became aware she was in a relationship with a client, she'd be fired immediately.

    Anyone want to weigh in?

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