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Posts posted by Mazikeen

  1. Thanks for the advice guys. I know there wasn't a lot of info, and sometimes she's really sweet and cheeky, innuendo in conversations etc, but I think you are all right and the hot/cold and inconsistencies mean I should just keep it as a work friend thing and nothing more. 

  2. How do I know if I have a chance or if I should move on? I am *** NB (afab), and I have had a crush on a woman at my workplace for nearly 3 years. She is a fair bit older than me (no issue for me), and as far as I'm aware, she is straight. Knowing this I have been content with friendship, but sometimes I wonder if she is flirting with me. There are times when she seems super happy to see me, her face lights up and her tone is playful, we tease each other and make each other laugh, have a few inside jokes, we give nicknames and she winks at me, and she's slowly divulging more personal information about herself (she is very private), has told me she is glad to be single after her last relationship, but has mentioned being single several times since first telling me. And then sometimes I get weird vibes from her, she won't stop and chat for days, and comes across really cold to me, but I will see her laughing and joking around with other people, she will go from calling me 'sweet' to 'mate', things like that. The hot and cold is driving me nuts, and I'm really struggling to figure out if she is being flirty, or if I'm just seeing what I want to see. It’s too risky to just outright ask due to the work situation, and I basically just want to figure out if I should try to flirt a bit myself and see where it goes, or just accept that it’s a friendship and get over it. any advice or insight welcome, but please be kind 🙂 

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