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Morgan 1234

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Posts posted by Morgan 1234

  1. 1 minute ago, Batya33 said:

    I would assume he's not that into you, that you enjoyed the challenge and thrill of the chase - but it's a waste of time now -and move on.  I remember being really into a man like this when I was in college -knew him from college - we'd talk on the phone -really deep convos -sometimes see each other on campus and flirt.  Never got physical, never went on a date -I pined after him -he was a little dark in mood, a little distant -I ate it up.

    But then he stopped calling.  He met his wife a couple of months later - they were on the same athletic team I think - -I think they're still married -since 1990 or so - he was so obviously into her from the beginning.  I'm glad I didn't continue the chasing/pursuing etc -I was able to get over it faster that way.  Just putting that out there and I hope you move on.  

    Thank you, I think your right. Well I will know asap when I stop starting convos tomorrow. It's such a shame because we share the same humour to the point I just think no one else cot make.me.laugh like this.

  2. So I've been talking to a man for a while now, seen him a few times but always been quite Friendly, it took me months literally to bring his walls down and open up a tiny bit to me and he finally admitted he did "like me" and was impressed I never gave up? Anyway things finally started to heat up a little bit, only a little bit, but he started flirt, hug, message all day long, finally start asking about me. Then... He has suddenly slowed it all down and I feel like we've gone back to 4 weeks ago when it was like pulling teeth. And since I mentioned it to him it seems to have gone worse also. He said he wants to take things slow but this is like watching paint dry 🙈 there are signs of hope or I wouldn't have invested all the effort I have done to keep talking to him and get to know him. However, it is me who always messages first, I reply really quick, maybe if I back off he may become interested again? It's literally doing my head in I can't think straight.

  3. Ok so I haven't had a crush in a very long time, I'm in my 30s, I have this huge overwhelming crush on a man and it's just not going away 🙈 I start every message, he does reply and in quite depth too but there's absolutely nothing flirtatious at all, really just friendly and funny, he never starts a convo, I would have given up but he looks at all my Facebook stories and hadn't skipped one, always looks at them pretty quick usually after I put them on, probably means absolutely nothing, but why nothing back? Arghh frustrating, I'll probably give up tbh 🙂

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