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Posts posted by Darwin22

  1. Hi guys,

    So about a month ago my boyfriend (23M) was in tears and told me  (23F) he didn't know if he was in love with me anymore. We had just had our 1 year anniversary. He said that he had been feeling these negative feelings for a month and that he loved me dearly and really wanted this to work, but he didn't know how. We took a break for a week, and he immediately noticed he missed me and that that week apart felt really wrong. When we saw each other again he felt like the doubts were completely gone. Since then, three weeks have passed and we had a really great time (or so I thought). Last weekend we had a chat and I asked him to what degree the doubts were gone. He said they weren't gone 100% , but that he had been feeling good about us way more than feeling bad the past three weeks. However, we were both too hopeful in the beginning that these doubts would just magically disappear, which is obviously naïve. He is going to seek help for this because he realises he might have some type of relationship anxiety or attachment issues (his previous girlfirend cheated on him, and he notices that he generally is the type that has this fleeing behaviour when things get more serious). I think I need to see it more positively due to the fact that the previous three weeks were a lot better than before, but I can't help but feel anxious about it. He really wants this to work, but he is scared that he can't get rid of these thoughts. And since mental health care here has long waiting lists, he probably can't talk to someone for at least a month. So my question is, do you guys have any experience with these type of issues, and do you have any advice as how to work on it until he starts going to a psychologist for this? Thank you so much!

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