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Posts posted by Yelena

  1. I'm just too caring, I be smothering to someone I just found on the side of the road. I hate feeling rejected and abandoned, that's how I feel. It's really ***ing with my mental health, I wish he actually liked me instead of wasting my time. It sucks so bad 

  2. Hey, I was dating this guy in his late 30's for around 3 months, I am a really caring person and when we first started dating he didn't feel very well, had headaches, sinus pressure, fatigue, loss of balance/coordination, etc., but he still wanted to hang out with me despite his very busy schedule. His condition persisted and despite two rounds of antibiotics for what doctors thought was a bacterial sinus infection he never felt better, I'm a worrier, that's just what I do, I tend to smother people (like a mom) when they get sick - I didn't do that with him because I understand guys honestly like to be alone when they don't feel very good. 


    Anyways he usually responds to my text everyday, except over this past weekend he didn't because he had to get a CT scan. I asked how his CT scan went on Monday where he sent me this semi-long text about the results (it's a serious cervical spinal condition that will require surgery), and how I deserve better and how he isn't in a position to date right now (b/c he's really strange about illnesses because of something that happened in the past) and that we can just be friends. He told me I also have things to figure out (which is true) and that it's just bad timing with everything we've got going on in our lives. 


    I am an understanding person, so I said I'd be friends and to text if he needs anything. It just makes me a little sad though, I thought there was potential? Because the week before he told me how he was attracted to me, thought I was sweet and would hate to make me feel bad or used, this is just a total 360, but I know it's because of the condition he's in and how busy he works (15 hrs a day some days), I don't think he has the capacity. I still want to be around him... I can't shake the feeling he'll eventually maybe want to continue things again, it's just that the situation isn't good right now. What should I do? Or rather, what advice do you guys have on this? Stay and support him as a friend or slowly phase him out of my life and focus on myself? 


    But also... I know I cannot wait around and find out. I really don't want to let him go but it's so hard, I want to be there and support him but if he ends up dating someone else I'll feel crushed. Any feedback is appreciated. (If you want to direct message me I can show you the text he sent me for more clarity) 


    TLDR: Guy I'm seeing got diagnosed with a serious medical condition, told me he is no position to date even though things seemed to be going well. Says "we can be friends" but I don't know if there's anything that will happen in the future.

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