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Posts posted by Natalie2894

  1. 2 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

    It's none of your business to judge his  current relationship and believe yours was more special or important. You need to respect him and his GF and his new life away from you.

    His mother is gone, so the services and grieving is for him, his loved ones, friends and family. You are out of the picture and need to stay out. Don't use this sad event to barge in on him and his GF. 

    I think you’re confusing it for me wanting to get with him. I hope the best for him and his gf and I’m not downplaying their relationship. It’s more so for the mother that I had YEARS of knowing and admiring on a personal level. Idk who hurt you but you are taking this too personal as if I’m trying to interfere in their relationship. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Wiseman2 said:

    What does your BF think? I don't think funerals are an appropriate place to resurface. It's rude to his GF and family.

    You are not part of the family. You're not a GF. You're a distant ex who remained social media friends.

    Send a discreet appropriate card. Do not draw attention to yourself with flowers. It's not about you.

    The mourning is for him and his friends and family, including his current GF. Ask yourself why you want to inject yourself into this under such unfortunate circumstances.

    Would you want your BFs ex at your loved ones funeral?


    I don’t think I’m part of the family but it was more so to show my last respects to his mother. I was around/lived with them for over 6 years as opposed to his ex he’s been dating for a few months. I cried for his mom when I found out. It hit home way more than I expected. I’m guessing because I really experienced her on a deeper level when I live with them. Personally I wouldn’t mind if my bf went to an ex’s funeral but I understand how that it can also be a tricky situation and not everyone would feel comfortable with it. However I’ve came to the conclusion I’m just not going to attend

  3. 23 minutes ago, greendots said:

    Hi Natalie,

    Provided that you are in good terms as you mentioned, sending a modest flower arrangement is a nice gesture which surely he and his family will appreciate.

    As for attending the viewing, I'm not sure whether it's appropriate to go or not. It's so personal. Can anyone who knew him attend the viewing or would they prefer that only close family members were present?


    Hello, Yes, from my understanding he is sending the flyer out to anyone who asked. I did originally ask to at least send an arrangement but I’m not sure if I should go now

  4. My ex and I are in good terms. As both of us are in relationships. We aren’t best friends but we still keep tabs on each other through social media. His mom was always so sweet to me and welcoming. I really have been contemplating on just sending flowers or if to attend the viewing?. My mom tells me that I should but my sisters are telling me absolutely not. I have no clue on what to do. 

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