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Posts posted by WitchSpace

  1. I'm with a man who I'm totally in love with. He says he loves me too and shows it all the time.
    We've been together almost 2 years and he says that he's on the point of either asking me to marry him or to split up- big difference!!
    He says he loves me, I'm the best partner he's ever had. His daughter adores me and I love her. His worry is that we have a lot of differences and he wonders if he was with someone more like him it might be easier.
    He's a business person and in tech and I'm an academic scientist. 
    I think that we work because where one of us is weaker, the other is stronger. He's my best friend.
    He also says that because his body has gone through massive changes- he's now got a six pack and used to be chubby,he wonders what it would be like to be desirable and have women after him and kind of wishes he could play about.
    He was married before and doesn't want to make a mistake again.

    I want it to work and genuinely believe we are great together. What do I do? Carry on and wait? Try to convince him? Tell him to get lost? I don't know. 
    We talked about a break but I told him I wouldn't be sitting waiting on him once he was done screwing around. It made me rage a bit!

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