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Posts posted by Iconfused

  1. I was having a tidy out this morning and came accross a bag under the computer that used to be mine, but my fiance sometimes uses for work.

    I looked in it and there was a porn mag (not so unusual), a long blonde wig, ten of sexy lace thongs, one of my tops, some of my foundation and two of my lipsticks, along with an empty jiffy bag addressed to my fiance.


    I am really shocked and I have no idea what to do next. I have been with my fiance for four and a half years and we are getting married in 2007. What do I do? I have made no moves as yet.


    Forgive me if I am jumping to conclusions but it is all very strange. This is a football-loving, beer drinking man who rants on an on about how people like Kemal in Big Brother are disgusting (he wears make up and women's clothes) when I am watching it.


    Please give me some advice...



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