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Posts posted by Curiousities3

  1. So I (23f) started to see this guy (24m) on hinge. We've been texting pretty much everyday on Instagram dms since December 27th. Not like super long texts usually just good mornings and asking about each others day.

    Over text I think we really hit it off and we were both excited to meet in person. So, we went on a date on the 14th and we seemed even more compatible in person. He was super nice and respectful of my boundaries (I had told him I had never dated/ been on a date before, and he would ask if I was okay with small things like holding hands and such) After our date we still wanted to hang out with eachother and we just walked around the mall holding hands. Eventually he asked to kiss me and I said yes. Then a little later he asked if I wanted to make out in his car and I said yes again.

    We made out and again he was really respectful and asked if I was comfortable with him touching me. And I was. Afterwords we talked about another date and I left pretty happy about everything. He still texts me at least once a day and I got to say he's been on my mind a lot.

    Now where I think I may have moved too fast. Yesterday I was feeling kind of flirty and I texted him a picture of me in bed. And long story short we sexted for a bit. We talked about what we were into and it felt kinda normal and not awkward like I thought it might be. I genuinely think I want to be boyfriend/girlfriend but I'm kinda anxious with how quick I'm falling. He's the only person I've ever been on a date with and I'm wondering if I'm letting that kinda blind me. I'm a pretty cautious person so this has been a little overwhelming being able to feel safe with someone so quickly. Any advice?

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