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Posts posted by samspade2005

  1. Masturbation is a normal natural part of life and a release. There should be no shame in that act. Men and Women both do it... Looking at porn isn't a problem either. But, sometimes women with a partner do not understand this, or they get jellous of him - and will think, "Why does he need to do that? He should be doing that with me. Doesn't he like me? Aren't I enough for him?" Sort of thing... In reality it doesn't mean that at all, but she can take it that way.... It is nothing to be upset about. If she has a problem than it is her problem, which she has to work through. It's your body and you didn't do anything wrong. You can point out that she was the one that entered your room without knocking, and invaded your privacy. This is frequent topic on the program "Talk Sex With Sue" on TV, and alot of guys mention this issue.

  2. I did the same thing more than once with a woman I cared about. Looking back on it I wish I hadn't sent letters like that. It only pushed her further away from me and made things more diffcult. (makes you seem needy or obessive). I haven't seen her in years her in years now and I don't know (much to my disapointment - if I ever will see again). I know you have feelings and you like to resolve them it it is hard. But the no contact thing is a good idea to let things go. It is best to find an inner peace and work on yourself. I've realized that It is a zen thing you do have to be happy with yourself. It's hard because of the feelings you have, and what you want to say but you can cause more damage than however good your intentions may be. This is even after 6 years later of seeing her for the last time....


    You should give a space and thing about this before you do it. Besides,

    if after a long time, you did chance to meet or talk after a while then you might have a better chance. Just be careful with that. Everytime I sent a letter (which I did not receive a reply). I felt like I made a mistake and I was proved right in that feeling and hurt more...

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