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Posts posted by Anon678

  1. Started talking to this girl in one of my university classes, Realized we live pretty close by each other and seemingly had a bit in common hobbies wise - She seemed interested in me too (Laughing at stuff that wasn't funny, sitting nearby, etc) so I asked her if she wanted to hangout after class one day, figured we'd just talk and have some drinks at a usual hangout spot - She says yes and we agree on a time the following day, once again no red flags that she wasn't interested and just being nice ETC. seemed in my judge of character she genuinely wanted to hangout.

    Anyways fast forward, and I'm at the spot a bit earlier and sitting down - She's a few minutes late but finally shows up, she sits down next to me on the bench seat and we exchange a quick few "How's its going" and she says "Good, but I'm kinda in the middle of a family emergency right now - I tried to text you and tell you a couldn't make it - But I can't do this today" Which I said "Hey no problem, completely understand etc" normal stuff and then she said "Maybe we can do this some other time" looked straight at me, Gave me a really grinning smile and left. This was a 2 days ago now and I haven't seen her around to talk to her or heard from her since.

    Now, I'm basically human interaction retarded - Been crossed way to many times in my life and have zero trust, I didn't say anything stupid or say anything damning to her that would ruin my chances. But unfortunately given my disposition (Brought on by working on the ambulance for quite a few years now) - I immediately afterwards went to the worst case scenario that she was lying and got cold feet about hanging out together alone. She didn't seem upset about anything and I just figured she is/Was to nice and would feel guilty if she completely ghosted me since she couldn't get a hold of me by text. that feeling has been coupled with the fact that I haven't seen her and she has reached out to me the last 2 days that maybe it was just the only way out she could think of.

    Anyways, I do think she is really interesting and at a minimum would honestly just like to hangout and talk as she was in all previous interactions fun to be around. Obviously I'm over analyzing all of this but I really don't want to ruin whatever chance I've got, So should I still give some distance and see if she reaches out to me (Has my number now 100% for sure) or should I just ask her if she wants to do something again next chance I get. Writing it out I seems less like she was lying, but I'm really 50/50 about it. I've been pretty in the dumps lately and hiding it well - It felt good getting nervous about that hangout, but now for the time being I'm worse off running scenarios through my head without any definite closure. 

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