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Posts posted by kailpp

  1. I work in a male dominated field. 90% of my coworkers are men. I had to justify myself the times when my boyfriend saw me talking to a coworker who happened to be a man. At my workplace.
    He gets upset and then I feel like I have to justify myself. They're not legit fights, but it's a recurrent issue. We've talked about it in a healthy manner also but disputes keep happening and I'm afraid it's subconsciously a huge issue for him because he also jokes about me being with other men a lot. I believe they're just jokes.

    I am a bit annoyed. I go home, spend all my free time with him, no phone. I don't care who he is talking to/interacting with at work. Because if someone wants to cheat they will and if it happens it's good riddance. I've been cheated on before and learned my lesson.

    I am honestly a bit worried it will always be like this. I'll always have to explain and justify myself.

    My coworkers know him and that we're in a relationship. It doesn't help that I am often teased about it by them.

    I love him but this drains me a bit when it happens.

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