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Posts posted by uglywoman123

  1. Thanks both of you for the compassionate replies. He says it's not "death-grip" because he doesn't grip that tight... But again it's hard to tell what is normal in terms of sex, porn usage ect. as a female as it's my first relationship, I haven't had any close friends since being old enough for serious relationships, nor have I ever had any close male friends. But at this point will probably give up on a sexual relationship if there's no change on his end.

  2. I have been in a relationship with my boyfriend for 2+ years, this is a first relationship for both of us (both in our early 20s). He says he doesn't believe in sex before marriage (as in all the way), but we do occasionally engage in oral, foreplay ect. However during oral I have never been able to "finish him off" (usually takes 15-20 minutes of trying), and he finishes himself. I've tried practising with objects and looking up tips on the internet but nothing seems to have helped. He says it is 100% my fault due to my inexperience/not being good, but he also masturbates 3 times a days and his desktop computer and phone is full of porn to the point I'm not even allowed to touch them and his phone photo app is password protected, which I feel would change his sensitivity and make it harder for me. I'd just like an outsiders perspective over whether this is normal as I have no one else I can really talk to about this, nor previous relationships to compare to. 

    On another note, if we were to move in, get married ect. in the future and engage in the full sexual experience, would he be likely to reduce his porn usage (I.e. Not have a phone that's full of porn, 10+ tabs of it open on his desktop constantly, and actually want to be with me)? Most the time we see each other I try to initiate and he turns me down. Thanks. 

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