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Posts posted by Colette

  1. On 12/23/2021 at 8:13 PM, SarahM832 said:

    Last year, I divorced my ex husband after 16 years of Marriage. I have a 15 year old son with him and its been a tough year for the both of us. During this time, I mainly spent alot of time with my trainer at the gym that I go to. Fast forward a few dates later and we're officially in a relationship. I really like this guy, he's so supportive and sweet. Only problem is that he is only 24 and I just turned 40. My worry is that people will constantly stare at us or judge our relationship. How do I try to make this work?

    So im with a 29 yr old and im 53 STOP WORRYING if your going to ruin your life then ruin it worrying about what others think or LIVE simple, haven't you ruined it enough????poor you going to the gym and having a life.  When I left my older foreign ex after 30 years of *** and four older kids now (youngest is 20) I HAD NOTHING EXCEPT MY CLOTHS LITERALLY, and had to rely on welfare and rent a room, and could not even see my too youngest at the time.  I had a string of hookups (to many) and then got kicked out illegally and had to go back to him as I had nowhere to go.  Then I had my second girl come back and leave her bf to help me get the place (dump) I rent now with my youngest girl as well, and it was really hard and stressful.  I was single for one year out of years with ex and now with the sweet thing that found me on a dating app, who like me looks way younger than he is. Maybe you just need time to be on your own, jumping straight into another relationship is not always advisable, my own younger sister has had alot of trouble finding the right guy, it's been a few years already, she is like me a young soul who will never tone down or lewt age slow her down.  A final world od advice from someone who knows, if your going to let people get to you they will, I dont care anymore and nor does he, WE JUST DO NOT CARE.  Toughen up girl or you will end up alone simple.  I've survived a suicide attempt at 18 and others due to ex, run over, and almost by race horses, (wasn't in a good mind frame) and drowned a few times nearly.  this is true and correct, really I should not be here, my sister also same, tough childhood where we had to fend for ourselves, with alcoholic parents who did what they liked at our expense.  Tough adolescence, then awful men then him, if this guy is the one then dont muck it up, you only get one *** at this ok and I know. AGE IS JUST A DAM NUMBER.

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