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Posts posted by conejita12

  1. My boyfriend [36M] and I [25F] have been in a committed relationship with eachother for almost two years. We are pretty adventerous in our sex life together, though I can say that he is far more open minded than I am when it comes to attitudes about certain things. This is causing some issues in our relationsip and I feel like I'm stuck between feeling like it's because of my own jealousy issues, or if I'm justified in my feelings.


    I have no problem with my boyfriend watching porn. If he asks me for some alone time, I have no problem with it. What I don't partcularly like is when he looks at models or sexual content on his Facebook or Instagram in front of me. He brought it up to me the other day and explained that he would really like to have the type of relationship where we could be sexually open about our online habits and not feel guilty, ashamed or like we need to hide our phone screens when we're around each other. He said he'd like us to have such a relationship where we could actually enjoy looking at these things together, sharing content that we like with each other, etc. He said he'd even potnentially like to reach a point where we're so open with each other that we could even have sexting sessions with other people and share them with each other. He says the appeal is to spice up our sex life and have a deeper connection with each other, and I can appreciate that. I've explained how it does make me uncomfortable, and he states how it's normal to feel attracted to people other than your spouse and my jealousy isn't rational or justified.


    Despite his good intentions, I can't help but feel jealous and hurt. I'm not sure how to handle these feelings. I'm not sure if this is something that is purely a personal issue with jealousy, or if he is asking too much and being disrespectful to me, whether he realizes it or not. Sometimes I do feel excited to try this out with him, but then I swing back to feeling jealous. I communicate with him when I'm feeling jealous, but he's becoming frustrated with my jealousy issues.


    TLDR; My boyfriend wants to be able to look at IG models on his phone next to me without me feeling jealous and I know that it's not a threat to our relationship but I can't help but still feel hurt by it and I'm not sure what to do.

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