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Posts posted by OnTheGo

  1. Thankyou again to those who have posted. Of course I have my doubts and concerns about this relationship. I don't know if I should treat it like any other relationship that I have been in or not. It's always at the end of the day, in the late of the night, when reality strikes. I ask myself, "Is my happiness worth being in this "unique" relationship and the hardships that will inevitably follow?" I don't know if my approach should be one day at a time and deal with the problems as the come. About starting a family, I am in no rush and neither is he. I have one goal in mind which is to get my bachelors degree in college in order to pursue my career. After I'm settled in my dream job, issues like marriage and children may present themselves. Those are the things I'm worrying about now. What if I'm still with him after college? I sometimes wish on divine intervention to occur while I'm in college, but I feel that if I ever leave him, I will always regret it and think what if, for I am the type who has the tendency to live in the past. I know that if it's not him, I'll fall in love again. Problem is, how sure is it that i'll find another great man or This great chemistry that already exists? I wish I could sum up in words to describe him, but even if i did, it wouldn't make you fall in love with him like i have, and that is the reason i am in this to begin with. I've never been so comfortable and at ease with someone. I thought I knew all there is to know about myself, but he's changed that. It's complete bliss.

    In reference to my parents, telling them now would be out of the question and he agrees. Akwardly enough, deep down inside I wish they'd find out in some dramatic way, catching me in some lie where i'd have to tell the truth or if they saw it for themselves. The way i see it, to drop this bomb on them would only be worth it, if it was leading to marriage, and I won't know until a handful of years from now. Again, I understand I'm young, nieve, and unexperienced and that's the reason I'm here. Friends tend to be my support system, and that may not be the best thing for me in this case, especially when they're as old as I am. We're just entering the real world. So thanks again to those who have posted their thoughts, your time has been helpful, more than you can imagine. It's therapeutic. Different perspectives are helpful, so if anyone else can put their 2 cents...I'd appreciate it.

  2. I am with my former teacher. Half way into the school year, by the time I was already 18, we began having a relationship. we've been together for 8 months now and I'm overwhelmed with a great sense of fulfillment in my life and with what the relationship has become. I've learned so much about life and myself within this time span. In simple terms, it is a healthy relationship.

    Although this is true, there are underlying issues. This relationship has remained hidden to my family but they suspect I am with someone due to the long phone calls. This is the first time i ever lie to my parents and I'm having a hard time with it. I ask myself is it worth it? I can't come clean because of the facts. He is 30 years my senior, was my former teacher, legally separated, and has kids who are older than me.

    How did I even consider this in the first place? I've never been a boy crazy kind of girl, prior to this I was in a three year relationship. I guess I could say this is my second time falling in love. I consider myself quite mature, but I understand that experience has only taught me so much up to this point. In a nutshell, after long after school talks, I was captivated mentally. I was amazed by his character and good nature. Quite frankly, it was something unfamiliar. I took a chance and went against my morality. The thought of a relationship never scared me because I never thought I would let it happen. I was so strongly against it. I made it clear that it couldn't go any further. With his persistence that quickly changed, and once I let that possibility turn into a reality, I've never felt so scared. Needless to say, things progressed into what it is now.

    Asides from everything, he's had this type of relationship before, the girls have been disloyal or couldn't deal with the age gap. I'm trying to be objective about it, so you can basically judge on the situation. I think I addressed every "underlying issue". I will be starting college soon and those who know say this may be the way to comp out of this relationship. I don't feel the urgency to leave though. If I did, it would be to make others happy and make life a little bit easier.

    Do I see a future with him? Well in some shape or form I do, if not I wouldn't be investing my time. Looking ahead, my biggest concern is if I can have a happy, healthy, functional family with this man. I just want honest feedback, whether it's constructive criticism or some support.

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