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confused in NJ

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Posts posted by confused in NJ

  1. Thx for the reply. I know she will be worried, as all girls are. But the reason the gambling was going on was cause I really had not much else going on. I told her the great influence she had on my life and that if I was given a sure thing in one hand and her love in another her love is what i would take. She just can't seem to get passed the gambling aspect- even though I have done 10000 great things, this is the one she focuses on.

    The one thing I forgot to mention is the 'mixed signals' she sends out. She says she can put it behind her, and we were gonna hang out last weekend, but she was tired from a class and we didn't. So i called her and asked her to hang out this weekend, and she was like ' you are pressuring me I told you I need time"

    So, why would she say yes one day and then be a total opposite the next, Thats where the problem is- the not knowing

    I appreciate your respose

  2. Hey all. First time user. I have a question. I had made some mistakes in my past, and recently I told my girlfriedn about it. The problem was I used to gamble on sports, but have stopped for several months now. I told her about the problem back in Dec, when we were together for only a month. She said she was okay, but the other week she said it is a problem and she needs time to figure out if she wants to be with me. I havent done any gambling in over 6 months, but she feels that if we have a future together that I would gamble everything away.

    We have been on a break for 3 weeks, and its killing me cause its not even like I did anything TO HER, but she makes me feel so bad cause of something I now have control over with the help of friends and family. What can I do?

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