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Posts posted by Littlerich86

  1. 51 minutes ago, SooSad33 said:

    Yeah, I am pretty sure you already knew this is all wrong.. just needed to see it in front of you.

    Self respect!  No one should be mistreated. A LOT of negatives stick out, don't they?

    And for 'your love' to threaten to kill you? etc.  NO.

    You remove yourself from the whole thing - totally.

    No more contact, nothing.  Just be done.

    And as I mentioned, self respect.  Learn now what a person does deserve ( respect & proper treatment).  All this would do is damage someone. 😕 


    Love makes you do stupid things and not see things clearly 

    If it had just been a threat it might not have affected me as much as it did, it was an actual attempt on my life a week before we were due to get married and only a few weeks after I'd moved in with her 

    1 hour ago, boltnrun said:

    Is great sex worth getting murdered or going to jail? What would happen to your kids if that happened?

    You do know sane women can be great at sex too, right?

    Haha I hope so, no it's not worth it and I should have walked away a long time ago but idk why I couldn't see it clearly 


    I left her today, going through an emotional roller-coaster rn but I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

    6 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

    Stay away from each other. Delete and block her and all her people from ALL your social media and messaging apps.

    Get help with the drugs and alcohol. Get whatever mental health care you need.

    Stop all this before you end up in jail

    No drugs or alcohol my friend, ex junky and alchy before I had kids but yeah you're right time for me to find myself again, maybe should not have said the word drug when I described it, everyday has been a fight to not go back but I don't as I want better for my kids


    Thank you all, I hope that one day I can help you all too. First experience with this forum and you guys have made me feel welcome and able to talk freely 

    • Thanks 1
  2. 5 hours ago, boltnrun said:

    Is this one of those cases where she's supremely hot or the sex is porn star level?

    Something like that

    2 hours ago, SooSad33 said:

    This sounds like similar behaviour to her son, doesn't it?  And she enables that ( like you are enabling her behaviour).


    Sorry, but what is it you expect her to do?  She is so incredibly unstable herself!

    You need to own this and act!  To get away from everything to do with her!  Her life is making you miserable.

    Geeze, has only been a couple of years and all you two have done is fight, break up, threats and on it goes... Where exactly is the stability and love that's needed in a 'healthy relationship'?

    Save yourself.. seriously!  Realize you can NOT live this way... ( as for 'love', she can't and doesn't.. and I feel you are more trauma bonded at this stage).

    Consider getting a roomy to help with your rent etc and get away from ALL of this!  Time to take care of yourself...


    Think you nailed it there actually with her and her sons behaviour, never looked at it like that


    Thank you all, this is what I was thinking but I needed to hear it from someone else as I did not want my stress levels to cloud my judgement 


    • Like 1
  3. Honestly, I don't even know where to start but I'll try. I am 35 she is 36. We have been in a serious on off relationship now for just over 2 years but I honestly don't think she loves me but loves the way I treat her. 

    The moment we met, it was something special for me, every word she said was like music and seeing her smile was better than any drug or feeling I have ever had. 

    Over the last few years we have had a rough ride. She was talking to a lot of other guys at the time, quite normal, but one guy she kept in her back pocket. Whenever we had a fight, she'd invite him round that night, if we were on a break she'd be sexting him and after a few times I said I wanted it to stop. Eventually it did after a lot of incidents, she told me she didn't like him and he was just a friend but it was obvious from what was going on that was not and when he got a gf, it finally did stop. 

    One time we had a big fight and she attempted to kill me and called the police to have me thrown out (despite the fact I was already packing my stuff to leave), the very next day she was on tinder sexting random guys, we made up but she lied to me about it and I found the photos on her phone. No remorse at all, we weren't together it's none of my business. Surely if you love someone the way she claims to, you don't do the the very night you have a fight with someone and lie about it? 

    She has 2 kids, one is adorable and loving and caring and the other is, i feel bad for saying it, a spoilt brat. His behaviour is putting massive pressure on our relationship and she refuses to do anything about it. He will have a tantrum over anything he does not want to do, and it's silly things like putting his shoes on for school or sitting down to eat his dinner. He will not do anything without a fight. I have tried to talk to her, tried to sort it myself, tried to walk away and tried everything I can think of. It's 10:30pm here and he is up playing on his tablet and refuses to go to sleep and she won't take his tablet incase he has a tantrum he's 5 BTW and this is a nightly occurrence. I've tried so hard to get her to do what's right for him, but she won't. He's horrible to be around, he hits other kids out of boredom or if they're not doing what he wants, my own 2 don't want to spend time with him and it's just causing more issues. Silly things like he will say he's hungry, given dinner, refuses to eat it and then when he's in bed shouts that he hungry and she goes and gets him crisps or sweets or whatever he wants, she is making him worse

    To get to the crux of it, a few months ago we had a fight and I split up with her about him and some stuff she was saying to her ex husband (he was the only good guy she'd ever been with, she'd made up lies that I had stolen money from her told him that she regrets their marriage not working out) , she then tried to kill herself. After this despite me saying I don't want to be around her son and that I was not happy with how she was treating me, I packed up my things and spent the next month at hers, waiting on her hand and foot, leaving her to sleep all day, whilst I worked from her house, did nearly all her house work for her and literally did anything I could to help her get back out of her depression whilst she spent her time doing whatever she wanted, gaming, crafting or whatever she wanted 

    I am now so stressed and depressed, with all that's going on with her son, my work is incredibly stressful rn, I am piling up debt as after the fight where she tried to kill me I had to move out into my own place paying rent I cannot realistically afford and being a single man I get no help whatsoever, I am crying myself to sleep most nights and everyday is getting worse and worse but she does not want to do anything to help. 

    What do I do? I love this woman immensely with all my heart, I love her other son so much, my kids love him too and like her but if I even try and talk to her, she gets defensive, will not acknowledge my feelings and is not interested in doing anything to help me when I would and have done literally anything for her. I put my job at risk to go collect her kids from school so she could have her job. 

    I am on the verge of leaving her, but I really really don't want to but so I have any other choice when it's clear its never going to change? 


    Thank you for reading at least. 

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