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Posts posted by Gem757

  1. Hi there

    Just as the title says really. My husband and I have gone through a really tough year. We broke up for a couple of months at the beginning of the year as I was unhappy with the way out marriage was working out. But after a couple of months we decided to work through it. Not long after I found out I was pregnant with our 3rd.

    Whilst he was shopping this morning his accountant text him asking for a receipt. He’d left his work phone at home and asked me to check for it on his screenshots. He’d said it would be one of the first but I couldn’t see it so whilst scrolling through the photos I came across a screenshot of a woman taken a few weeks ago.
    it’s taken from her Facebook page but she’s dressed In a very skimpy dress. She is an ex colleague of his. So he knows her personally. She also has mutual friends of ours. 

    checking through recently deleted photos there were 2 other screenshots of her but he chose to keep the sexier picture. This is the first time he’s done this. I feel creeped out/ slightly sick. My heads all over wondering what this woman means to him. He worked with her when we were married and didn’t know her before.

    I don’t know what to do? Do I confront him? Has anyone been through this before? Am I overreacting?

    our sex life hasn’t been great. And we’re still very much working through some of our previous issues. 


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