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Posts posted by Simon12345

  1. Me and my partner have been together nearly 5 years, and have a 3 years old son. We have lived together for 4 years. We are like any usual couple we have our fights but to my knowledge and I have never been given any reason to think otherwise we have both been faithful. The last few weeks we’ve argued about the same thing, I work away a lot and usually 6/7 days a week as I have a full time job and starting a business of my own. She argues I don’t give her enough time and that I don’t put enough effort into the relationship and I argue she she doesn’t pull her weight in the relationship with the house work as she doesn’t have a job. I guess it’s usual things. But recently it’s been the same argument week after week. My partner has started spending more time with friends she knows I don’t like which has caused more arguments. I found out last night the last 2 weeks while with these friends she’s been introduced to a mutual friend of the group and they started talking. As far as I know they have been together 3 times but always in the group, i confronted her and maga Ed to get her to show me all there messages which were all ‘love you xxxxxxx’ ‘miss you xxxxxxx’ discussing what’s happening between myself and my partner and also discussing getting a house together! This has all come from 2 weeks of meeting. I have no idea what to do or think, she says it was just for the attention I wasn’t giving her and he basically made her feel good and that’s it. I’m devastated and don’t know if I could ever get over it, makes me feel sick thinking about it  

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