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Posts posted by Rearden

  1. I feel a bit better today. My friends really helped me out the other day with a night out that i desperatley needed. I was able to take my mind off her for a while. This may seem strange, but there is nothing on earth that would fulfill me more than being in her arms, despite the pain she has caused me. I haven't spoken to her at all since the breakup. I'm going on vacation for a week and hopefully I will feel a little better after that. This is the part that is troubling me, however: I am debating calling her either tomorrow before I leave or when I get back. I don't know why I want to, but I really do. Is this a bad move?

  2. Here's the story. . .


    I've known laura (not my girlfriend, although important to the story) since preschool, so basically forever. I didn't see her much until High School (our town has different elementary schools based on where you live). I got together with my girlfriend in eighth grade.


    Everything went along fine until the school musical in my senior year. Keep in mind that my girlfriend is a year younger than I am. Laura and I are both musicians and we played in the pit orchestra for it. My girlfriend was in the production. Because of the way the music is written for the performance, laura and I had to sit next to each other. This was the beginning of the end for my girlfriend and I. Ever since then, she has claimed that laura was in love with me and was trying to steal me away from her. She yelled and got mad me for even standing next to laura in the cast picture. It was absolutely insane.


    Then at my graduation party, I invited both of them (in hindsight, this was a really stupid idea, although on the other hand it is ridiculous that she is dictating who my friends are). My girlfriend spent the entire time in a crappy mood and was just generally unpleasant. Then the best part came. Laura had to leave and now that high school was over and we were all going our separate ways, we might never see each other again. So here comes the unthinkable: I gave her a hug upon her exit. *ALARM BELLS!!!* watch out, matt!.


    However, a week or two later, my girlfriend assured me that she had let the whole laura thing go. Apparently, she didn't. She said she no longer trusts me because she claims i was flirting with laura while playing in pit orchestra. This of course makes no sense to me. She says we should 'take a break'. Keep in mind that this is a four year plus relationship and i'm only 18 so we have been through a lot. This has happened before. I am sick of getting my heart broken by her so I tell her that this is it. She can dump me, but I am not coming back this time. (she has dumped me 3 times before and I always came back, but i'm sick of getting hurt). She didn't care, she dumped me anyway and yelled at me to get out and threw at me all of the things I had given her over the years. I drove to the park (and by some miracle didn't crash on the way) sat on a swing and cried.


    It's really strange because things were going great up until the day before. She gave no indication whatsoever of any problems. I think she was apprehensive about me going away to college. She didn't have to take it this far though.

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