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Posts posted by Aileen

  1. My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 4 years.. the problem here is that i always have to be checking up on him whay he does. Last time i saw he was texting his friend and his friend told him to take a picture of a girls  ass because he was at college. and well they were texting each other about girls and how thick they were. That made me uncomfortable but i didn’t know if he took a picture of the girls ass but i confronted him about it and he said he didn’t. he goes to college so every time he goes he always texts his friend and that friend is kind of a ***boy and kind of a man ***. I then went to check his snapchat again to see if he has taken a picture and he did. I don’t know if i should confront him about it but he lied and said that he never took a picture. Whenever i’m with him i always catch him looking at girls and i’m also the type of girl that doesn’t feel comfortable when he watches porn so i don’t like that because it makes me feel like i’m not enough if we always *** all the time. I don’t know what should i do because i’m always checking up on him. Sometimes he looks up anime girls in safari. Or watches youtube videos of girls. he tells me he doesn’t have privacy but he always does this kind of things. I always ask him if he loves me then why does he do all of that if i also give him *** literally even when i’m not feeling it. But yet he is with his friend taking pictures of girls at school saying that she has a fat ass.

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