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Julie Gross

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Posts posted by Julie Gross

  1. Hello,

    I have many disorders. I have Autism, Dyslexia, and Schizoid personality disorder.  I have depression and PTSD too.

    I think I'm getting abused by people. Mostly verbal abuse. It happens online and when I'm not online. I am bullied a lot I think.

    Well people are mean to me and it seems like they hate me. They call me names like stupid and they think I have a low IQ. But I have many things wrong with me and it gets in the way and it makes it hard to function daily.

    I get headaches a lot. I don't know why but I think it's due to stress and they don't go away. It seems I have absent seizures as well. I'm reaching out for help. I hope this is the right place to reach out to someone.  

    I don't know why but people seem to pick me to bully and be mean to. People are dehumanizing me for some reason.  I don't know what is going on.

    I don't have a job but when I did have one I have had bosses that would try to fire me and they seem to hate me. I didn't understand why. I don't know why I'm being hated so much.

    People laugh at me and make fun of me a lot. I am not funny and I don't know why they are laughing.

    Therapists are mean to me too. They get mad and yell at me and act like I have ulterior motives. I read somewhere on a post I made that some of the people on there said I'm stunted due to abuse.

    They don't know me. I'm not sure why they said that. They judged me based on my sentence structure? I don't get it. They were Autistic and they were mean to me too.

    I'm disabled. How do I know if I am stupid? I don't know how intelligent I am. I don't know everything. I am still learning everyday. I'm always trying to improve. 

    I keep getting made fun of for my sentence structure but I'm dyslexic and its hard for me to read and write. I need the computer to help me. I told people this but I'm still bullied. I need help. No one understands me because I'm different. 

    I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know why people hate me so much. I can't talk to people without them turning against me. They see me as the enemy for some reason. 


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