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Posts posted by HoneyChai

  1. I’ve been crushing on my best friend for a year and a half…

    Ive talked to him about other guys and he’s told me about other girls…

    Hid last relationship was with a girl who used to be my friend, she turned out to be toxic and really bad for him…

    The other girl was one of the people I knew, and she turned out to be a slightly different breed of toxic.

    I don’t know if he’s just sweet in general, but dang he is…

    Stuff like “I went because you went”

    ”Your my best friend”

    ”Where did you go?” XD

    last few days we’ve been talking till two AM, some people may not find this strange but we have veryyyyy different sleeping schedules.

    His ex is going to the next dance, with another guy to make my best friend jealous and get him back.

    so he says he’s gonna get a date just to get off his back, but not someone he would date date.

    He brought up two girls and didn’t know who else so I suggested myself as a last resort…^^’

    We had been responding to each other right after getting texts…five minutes goes by and I send “It’s just a suggestion dude xD” cause I got nervous and he responded right after “I might actually…


    like if no one else works”

    He’s been sweet…saying I looked good in dresses I wore to the last few dances…

    And his brother dropped “If you ever feel like something is going on…he trusts you a lot, you two are really close.” a few days ago…^^’


    I don’t know, I guess I needed to vent?

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