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Posts posted by Biki

  1. iI was sick that day, but I got an injection and somehow went to her house to surprise her

    All her friends were there too but she was fine for me like always

    but then she told me when she was asking for time that you did almost everything for me, but still I wasn't happy at my birthday, I feel like she doesn't want to show people that she isn't happy.

    Was it some kind of hard phase in our relationship which we can overcome with time or this time it's not in our hand?


  2. Nothing prompted I guess.

    Till morning she was fine for me.

    woke up and said Good morning and I love you 

    but then by the evening she said that I want to be alone I need some time for myself, I became so confused like what suddenly happened to her.. Two days ago it was her birthday and I saw her happy 

    I never even dreamt of losing her in my life, I too have gone through many hard situation till now, lots of family pressure but I was still able to be with her 










  3. Hi, I am so stressed from last two days. I have been in a relationship for the last two years. But unfortunately my gf lost her mother almost a year ago and she is now grieving. I love her so much, I can't see her this way. But yesterday she asked for some time and space as she is unable to find happiness in anything.I am so concern and am feeling so helpless. I can never think of losing her. I tried my best and always did everything from my side to make her happy, neither i pressurized her to do anything.

    She will now talk to me like before but will not give commitment. 

    What should I do? I can't lose her at any cost. Should I give her some time, or how should I proceed?






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