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Posts posted by A6716716711290

  1. Hi,

    So I am with my other half for 5 years now and I have a bad tendency to get somewhat uncomfortable about her wearing  clothing that either reveals her cleavage or leggings that are tight and somewhat see through to work. Anyways she seems to wear these kinds of outfits when one of her coworkers are working with her and like it may be coincidence because it's not all the time but what should I do if anything at all? Based on our 5 years together she does like to dress and look nice. She's always seem faithful to my knowledge and never seems t flirt with any of her guy coworkers but she does make NSFW jokes but that's just how she is with anyone. 

    I've told her about how I feel about her wearing clothes like those and she does try to compensate by wearing like black panties with black leggings  so it's "less noticeable" . I was thinking of just telling her

    ,"you know,I've been thinking you are your own person and I shouldn't be making you or guilt trip you into wearing less revealing clothing.  I know you want to feel pretty and look nice so wear what you want. I'll let you know if it's revealing or not and if you choose to wear it that's fine. We've been together for 5 years now and I should have more trust in you. If guys look at you that's fine, if they touch you even to tease you in a joking manner  and your not ok with it let me know and I'll deal with it but if I'll be honest , if I catch you cheating I'll dump you faster than diarrhea (I would say like this to lighten the mood a bit but to know I'm serious) but as long as you continue to be faithful , I promise to always be faithful to you and only to you and treat you like my amazing future wife I Know you will be because I Love You so much"


    And with that I'll leave it at that and stay true to what I said. May I please get your opinions as I think that sometimes my thinking is bias and I tried to explain it as unbiased as possible to get an unbiased advice. 


    Thank you ,


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