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Posts posted by aldrin

  1. Hi people!

    My first post.


    I was having a great life until recently when a disease that crippled me to near paralysis. Looks like nobody knows for sure how long I will take to recover to what extent. At first I just couldnt believe this is really happening to me and was hoping that this is just a nightmare and I may wake up any moment with a sigh of relief.. nor Im getting b old enough to accept the facts.


    Me and my wife used to have a wonderful sex life, not anymore. I feel sorry for her. Looks like she is pretty frustrated too, she had shut off all her coontacts with friends and relatives and is indoors always, just staring at the walls. At times I feel like she shouldnt be penalised like this for my illness and feel liked I should let her have sex outside marriage. So long as she doesnt fall in love with anyone, I guess it wont hurt me much, if she does not keep secrets. Would like to have your advise please.

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