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Posts posted by bronze

  1. Whats all this about cheating ?


    Being a vegetarian isn't like a sacred ritual or vow. Its just a way of regulating your eating because I assume you want to lose weight.


    There are lots of vegetarians out there who are fat. It depends on the type of vegetarian food you are taking. You can't keep eating potatoes etc and hope to lose weight. One can eat non vegetarian food like fish (white meat)etc which are less fattening. Also if you eat your chicken mainly boiled or cooked with very little oil, you will lose weight.


    You just should eat a well balanced diet, be it vegetarian or non-veg with lots of fruits.

  2. Only 15 and going through so much!

    Next time, I suggest, you try out a dual protection method.Other than condoms, you should also try doing it on the safe period days. These give double protection. Normally, ovulation is around the 12-14th day , so a few days before and after periods is considered safe. If you are interested, I can be more exact..

  3. Smoking is an addiction which doesn't only effect you but those around you as well. So, the people around you end up smoking the unfiltered version of your smoke! Passive smoking . Some people are allergic to smoke and end up sneezing! Unlike other addictions, people around you won't be unaffected.




    Only way to quit is ..if one really really wants to quit!

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