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Posts posted by nomoreroommate

  1. I would appreciate any advice on the below situation. I have been trying to work this out for so long now I am at a loss as to what I should do to resolve this:


    My boyfriend and I have been dating for about 2 1/2 years. When we met in March of 2002, we both lived alone. After about a year, we discussed moving in together for many reasons, including the financial benefits of sharing expenses. That talk came to a halt soon after.


    One of my boyfriends friends got thrown out of his house by his girlfriend. He still had to pay his part of the rent at the old house for 10 months or so, so my boyfriend allowed him to move in free of charge. At that time we discussed it and agreed that it was a temporary thing until the friend finished paying off the lease at the old place.


    10 months passed and although my boyfriend and his roommate began to split the rent and associated bills, there was no talk of him moving out. 6 more months have passed and there is no talk of it.


    My problem with this is that I feel that the roommates presense is preventing my boyfriend and I from progressing in the relationship and taking steps towards the future. Likewise, while my boyfriend benefits financially from sharing his expenses, I do not. I am trying to get out of debt caused by student loans and credit card bills, but am at a standstill. We speak often of getting married, and I do not want to bring this debt into a marriage. The roomate is indirectly costing me money as I still have to live on my own and pay more money to do so.


    I have spoken to my boyfriend about these concerns and never gotten anywhere. He obviously does not want to kick the guy out because he is a friend. What should I do? I do not want to give him an ultimatem about this roommate thing, but I also need to make some decisions for my own best interest, though I am not sure what they should be.

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