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Posts posted by Mandy1986

  1. I need advice on this, I want to see everyone else’s opinion who don’t know us, there’s always arguments over money, I’m with my partner for over 4 years, we live together and we have a child together and another on the way. I feel like I pay for a lot more than he does, I would love if it was 50/50 or even 50/40 as I think that’s fair.

    We both get paid on the same day every 2 weeks, I would get $100 more than him every 2 weeks. The house that we live in is mine, it’s my parents old house, and before I met him I say I have 60% of the house paid off by myself, I pay my parents in loans I get from the bank, once I pay off the loan I get another loan and give it to my parents and pay off that loan etc, i look at it as in a rent to buy situation lol.

    I pay $350 out of my wages into this loan every two weeks for the house, in the 4 years we have been together he doesn’t pay a dime towards the house, but he does pay electricity and food which comes to $170 every 2 weeks out of his wages. But everything else is on me when it comes to the house, if we need a couch I pay for it, if we need new bed I pay for it, if we need to paint the rooms I pay for it, if I buy new rug, curtains duvet covers etc basically anything to do with the house I pay for it, because the house is very 90’s style at the minute I’m doing up the rooms bit by bit so I’m paying for that on top of the $350 a fortnight for the house. 

    At the end of the day I will never ever sell this house as it’s the house I grew up in so extremely sentimental and it will be left to one of our children. 

    What would you do in my situation? Do you think he is paying enough by paying $170 every 2 weeks? I just see my friends and my brother and sisters relationships and everything is 50/50, if they need anything for the house they both pay for it but in my situation I pay when it comes to the house. We are not married. Like I don’t charge rent or anything. He literally pays the electricity and food that comes to $170, we go half on stuff for our son so that’s ok but just when comes to helping with the loan he doesn’t contribute. Just want to get outside opinion, am I asking for too much for it to be 50/40 because I do get $100 more than him. 

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