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Posts posted by angelique_2005

  1. O Okay, this shouldn't be too hard to read, but maybe difficult to do.


    You two have went one step up, and it scares you. Don't let fear, cause you to do crazy things. If you're feeling him, which it seems you are, do not flirt with other guys and tease.


    First, admit to yourself that you want to be with him...once you've done that...go with the flow of things. You can ease into the topic with just a simple, "I really like you."...and from there see what has happens. If you know he's feeling you, then please rest your mind that the kissing that has happened, and the strong emotion you have for him is normal, and unless he asks for it to stop, everything is fine. Just be with him...once you've engaged in kissing and what you two have done...you should refrain from the flirting and other things with other guys~*

  2. Forgive me if this topic comes off as a "duh" to most of you, but I need reassurance of what I'm thinking.


    I just met a very promising young man less than two days ago. He's 24, handsome, with a Pre-law/science under his belt. He's a step up from the men I've been with, but there seems to be one flaw I'm not sure I'm suppose to accept.


    The first time we met in person, *we met online 3 times to chat*, we had a great conversation about various topics. Well after 45mins, he inched in and gave me a kiss, which I accepted. From there, every 15 mins. another kiss would turn up. Well the flaw, in my eyes, was he became a little too aggresive when wanting more than a kiss. I don't mean he started to fight and swing, but "no" wasn't in his vocabulary. It literally became a mental fight with him to get through to him that no more was taking place.


    It's not like I was teasing him *unless kissing is teasing*, or wearing anything provacative..just a tshirt and jeans that didn't match lol, and he hasn't seen anything "sexy" of me picture-wise or have I said anything verbally alluring. All I want to know is...did I bring that upon myself? Should I let him go? What happened? LOL I feel so naive now....

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