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Posts posted by fofinha

  1. This situation could also be a sign that the two of you are not really compatible. She may have liked you for what she thought you were before she got the chance to really get to know you. And I think now she's realizing that you were not really what she thought you were. I don't mean to insult you, but some of your views are quite shallow, and somewhat prejudice. And you may have hooked up with a girl that is not shallow and prejudice, thereforeeeeeee the things that you say may not be attractive to her. If you really didn't mean to hurt her, and you want to work on not sticking your foot in your mouth like Lisa said, you have to change the way you view the world. Once you do that, then you will not need to stick your foot in your mouth because what comes out of it will not be shallow or prejudice.

    I'm sure you did not mean to hurt her, but you have to understand that attraction doesn't only come from appearance. And although the outside package and first impression of yourself may be attractive to that person, who you really ARE (character) may not.

    In order to be sensitive to her feelings you need to be sensitive to those and what you choose to judge (e.g. mexicans are dirty, your house better than someone elses).

    People are people no matter where they came from and how much they have. Love them regardless.


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