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Posts posted by kagome_hime2003

  1. I've been reading this forum for some time and hope that I can get some advice on my madness.

    Like quit a few members I have been invlved with a married man with two young children, In the beginning I was unhappy didn't feel attractive and very lonely, We met at work and flirted a lot. He knew of my situation horrible break up with my estranged husband and dealing with him having a new relationship, I'll admit I was jealous and wanted someone. I guess more than anything I wanted sex. In november we began flirting more heavily and I finally gave him my number. Thus the beginning of the affair. At first I never asked him of his wife or cared that she existed he never spoke of her and I never aked. The relationship was exciting and in January he told me he loved me and to my surprise I had fallen in love with him as well. We talk everyday over the phone (we have both transferred to different sites) when we used to see each other everday.

    Basically I have told him that I am tired of sneaking around and that I want and deserve a full time committed relationship. He agrees completely and has said that eventhough he wants to leave his wife he feels he would be leaving his kids as well. He said all he wants is for me to be happy and wants us to remain friends. I guess what I want to know is, is that ok? Here we are in love with each other had this intense love affair and now just friends? I know we could do it we hardly see each other now anyway and since his oldest is the same age as my son they could play together. But is it right.

    He's a great guy but I realize even if he left his wife I could never trust him. We have a lot in common and I value our friendship, i guess I am just confused. Do I never look back or do I take this as "if we cant be love, why not friends" kind of thing?

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