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Posts posted by Nicki19

  1. Hey Guys


    Im in the same situation I got cheated on with my partner of 2 years in January who I found out through visiting him at his home and finding his ex fiance there helping him move in. It was a gut retching time for me afterwards and I felt so much hatered for him, all the time secretly hoping that he would ring and want to get back. She has since moved back in with him. In march this year he contacted me and wanted to meet up I was like "Yes, definatly" we also started having sex together and now we are really starting to get serious again but one problem hes still with his ex and see me behind her back. He says he wants to break up with her but just doesnt know how to tell her I am not that sure he does and I dnt want to be strung along again. He says hes not attracted to her and they are always fighting. Im just not sure what to do please help me as I still love him and want himback.


    Nicki, NZ

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