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Posts posted by williamje

  1. I've been with my girlfriend for about 5 months now. Three times, she has run into some ground shaking issue that she decided will make or break us. The third, was a few days ago; she decided that we don't have enough in common.


    'Having things in common.' in her mind, as she so eloquently put it, involves the way we run our own lives. I'm a bit on the lazy side when it comes to paying my bills. Sometimes they are late, simply because Im unorganized and have a busy lifestyle. By all means, I have good credit.. but i've paid a late fee or two (or four) in my day.


    She thinks that the decisions I make in my life are wrong, because it's not the decision she would have made. Or so she says she would have made.


    Basically, I think I'm on my last limb with this girl. I have no doubt that she's going to continue finding what she thinks are roadblocks in our relationship. I'm just along for the ride.. I care about her more than the world itself.. but my own happiness matters too! She makes valid points about the flaws in my lifestyle.. but I don't think they should be the deciding factor in our fate.


    Not sure what to do. I have a few options.

    a. put up with it and see if she sticks it out

    b. be supportive every time she does it.. maybe i don't understand the way her mind things in comparison to mine

    c. leave her because she'll never see me for who i am, but for who she wants me to be


    thanks in advance

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