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Posts posted by naked_turk

  1. I've been in an emotionally deep relationship with a certain girl for about 9 months now, and things seem to be going well. She's a wonderful girl in every way and I love everything about her... Except for one thing: Her eyes wander and because of this I have never felt I am physically attractive in her eyes.


    She does find me attractive in some way... she always uses words like "cute" and "gorgeous" to describe me, but that doesn't convince me. Every time we're out its painfully obvious to see her head turn 90 degrees to some guy. To make it worse, these guys look nothing like me -- They're mostly tall, muscular and black. I'm medium height, medium build and mediterranean.


    It also breaks me when she looks at certain celebs with hungry, lustful eyes, and verbally expresses how sexually attracted she is to them.


    Now I'm not stupid, I wouldn't give a rat's rear end if this was just any girl. I know her past and I know she's never been emotionally attached before me, and I know she's not toying with me. It is obvious in any other circumstance that she loves me. The problem is, when I bring this up she says I'm being overly concerned and needlessly jealous.


    Who is right? Am I too jealous or is she just inconsiderate? What am I to do? What am I to do if I am having trouble with my self-image (I've never had this problem before) ?

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