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Posts posted by annabella

  1. hey barbie,

    first off how are ya holding up. family is a tough thing. my mum left my dad when i was seven with my two brothers im now nearly 17 ive seen my dad once in that time when i was 10. my mum has a new husband and two new kids i hate my step dad and yes i agree with you hate is a strong word but hell when you hate someone you know it so i feel the same!!! you know your dad loves you as i know my dad loves me, honestly i just think your dad is selfish he has a child (maybe more than one i dont know) from a previous marrage (your mum) thats his responsibility and clearly he isnt taking it.what he is doing is wrong clearly you want to see him and he is treating you second grade to his new g/f which is wrong you deserve more.i understand how you feel about everything just turning into a fight my best advice is to try one more time to talk to your father and tell him how you feel but start off with "dad i want to tell you sumfin but in order for me to tell you, you have to promise not to interrupt me or start yelling" once he agrees proceed and tell him everything, absolutely everything!!! then sit down and do the same thing with your mum and get her to help you with your dad and dont forget she might need support from you to she has lost a husband i can see you have a strong spirit the best thing i was taught is to never loose that spirit!! its yours dont let anyone take that away. if the talk with your dad goes down keep at it dont quit and yes its gonna hurt it will hurt like hell you need a good friend there to help you, to support you cos hun your gonna need a sholder to cry on. just never give up but try not to get angry and yell at him i know thats hard ive been there and im still there but if you act the bigger person hes gonna see that and realise how childish he is really being. if you ever want to just talk to me thats ok i wanna help cos i think i have sum help to offer! lv ya lots already and good luck luv anna xoxox p.s never loose your strength

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