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Posts posted by NightSkyBlue

  1. Wiseman2 - I wouldn’t say it doesn’t happen. I didn’t post last year, I only read through the forum. The ex I was reading the forum for last year I ultimately realized I was better off without for a lot of reasons and would not take back. Reading this forum was very cathartic when I needed it and helped me realize problems and fix them. It also helped me realize a lot of red flags and that I was more upset with the relationship and that stability ending than losing him. My current breakup is only 4 days old, so only time will tell. Best of luck to you!

  2. Hey guys, I started reading this thread last year after a ~ 1 1/2 relationship ended out of nowhere. I was distraught and he was posting pictures of his now gf of a year. It was what I needed to go fully NC and move on. This forum helped me get through the rest of a rough college semester, move on, and realize I didn't want him back. I ended up meeting my most recent ex not long after. He broke up with me on Saturday after almost 9 months. It was a shock, but the issue wasn't new. He wants to move to the U.K. and I want to go to medical school. He freaked out over quarantine and started applying for jobs in the U.K. I guess he got a different response than he expected. They basically told him they would take him if he had a year of experience and we weren't in the middle of a global pandemic. Saturday was the first day we really got to see each other in 2 months and he broke up with me as soon as I got in. I miss him. We are very LC right now and are going to meet up on the 25th to talk it out. I don't expect to reconcile anytime soon, but am hoping we can at least talk things out and make a path to becoming friends. Wish me luck.


    I do not have any reconciliation stories, but will make sure to update if it ever happens. Thank you all for now helping me get through 2 breakups, I wish you all luck.

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