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Posts posted by rhino91080

  1. For 2 years i have been in love with someone but didn't show it very much.We fought all the time,i made empty promises to her i told her we needed to break up many times when we were in the middle of our fights. Finally 2 weeks ago she said it was enough when i said we need to go our separate ways. I've told her i was sorry many of times but it does no good. One day last week we talked and she said there was someone else that she had went out with and had kissed. She had told me is loves me but not in love with me.We used to do everything togetherfor christmas she bought me a dog and she loves the dog more than anything.I had told her many times that i was going to leave her alone. I never did. One day i finally told her i hoped she would be happy in whatever she didand i wasn't going to call her anymore. I didn't a day and a half went by and she called me crying saying she missed the dog. I didn't know what to think about any of it. So last night i call her and she is with the other guy and saying things that hurt me so much thats why i'm at the point of this i don't know what to do or think. Someone else talked to her and she told her that the guy was a one time thing. I don't know how she feels about me and i'm dying inside i have done everything possible to tell her that i will change ever her friends say it looks like i've done some changing but the love of my life doesn't notice itwhat should i do b/c i can't take much more of hurting like this. Will we ever be back together ?

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