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Posts posted by Ravenne

  1. Get used to condoms... get your BF used to condoms.


    There are many varieties out there...



    That being said...


    He may not be fertile, but do you really want to take the chance? Condoms can be sexy, be playful, experiment and have fun.


    And... I might add: when it comes to the special olympics of conception... I have TWO GOLD metals... (Two sweet sons... after the Drs said there was no chance on me having any!)... So... there is always room for hope!

  2. I have a very dear friend who is 30(ish) who is still a virgin, and she's very pretty, not a lesbian... blah blah blah.


    I'm the opposite, I've done this and that.


    So, now with both sides shown, there is NOTHING wrong with being a virgin. Just be honest with yourself, your needs and your feelings. Virginity is more a state of mind than anything else. Treat it as something special and unique to you. Dont allow yourself to become pressured, and don't let it pressure you. That being said. Don't forget to love the most important person. That's you...

  3. I am happily married, very happily. My DH and I have been together through everything, and are very much in love and happy. BEFORE I had my two sons (the oldest is 3, the youngest 9 mos) we were very active sexually. Now, I don't even want to be touched.


    Extra Info:

    I have a history of sexual abuse as a child, and as an adult. When I became an adult I "tried everything", and settled down with my DH, and was more than happy to do so!


    I am still nursing, and have developed a closeness to my second child (I was unable to nurse my first, traumatic birth).


    I am going to be 30, soon


    I have some tender scars still from my first child... but, before my second, found positions that didn't hurt.


    I really don't know what to do... it's causing a little strain on me, since I don't think it's fair for my husband to be abstinent, just because I am. He's very understanding, but, doesn't quite understand what I feel... I really feel alone, and hope I'm not.

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