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Posts posted by bobbyboy

  1. Hey everyone,

    Ok, I've known this girl for about 3 years now, and I think she's the most amazing person in the world.... we're friends, but I really want to try to take it to the next level....only problem is, I'm scared of risking it all.


    I wrote an e-mail, but I haven't sent it yet.... I want to know if it sounds ok, or what I should ask to help me get the girl of my dreams....thanks


    (here's the "note" and sorry if it's long)




    Listen, I need to tell you something, and I don't want anything awkward to happen after you read this, but I just feel like I've been holding back some things all this time and I just can't do it anymore….I really really like you. I don't know if you know it, but I think that you are one of the few girls in this world that has everything a guy can ask for. I know you're prolly thinking "why the hell am I telling you this"…..I really would like to see if we can take our friendship to the next level. I admire and adore you as a person. Every day I see you, no matter how I feel, I just magically seem to feel better. Honestly I've tried to pretend that I have no interest in you whatsoever, but it hasn't worked one bit… I know this isn't guaranteeing anything, but I would just love the chance….the opportunity to be with you. I realize how awkward this is and trust me, it isn't any easier on me… I absolutely love the friendship we have right now, and it kills me to know that there's a chance that you'll delete this and never talk to me again, but hey, I have to let this off my chest. Everyday I see you, I just feel like giving you the biggest hug and telling you how special you are, and it sounds crazy I know, but I look forward to everyday hoping to catch a glimpse of your smile. I don't even know how I worked up the courage to actually send this to you, but I did, so I can't take anything back (not that I would at all)……..but please, whatever you do, tell me how you feel….I'd rather you say no right away than to not let me know at all….that hurts more (trust me)….. And I am sooooooo sorrrrrry about any problems me telling you this may cause and whatever, happens promise me that you'll be honest with me. And this doesn't have to leave this e-mail……..so…….. hope to hear from you soon


    Luv always (no matter what happens

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