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Posts posted by Heartbroken7

  1. I think so too I think he had a double life and he couldn't do it anymore...however why did he not talk to me about it the whole blindsided break up hurts I wish he would have done it differently I know is not what or how I wanted it is how he wanted to do it but it really sucks...I'm trying so hard to get pass this I'm angry I'm hurt I have all kinds of emotions going on...I'm good one min and bad the next ..



    • Sad 2
  2. Is it wrong for me to think that by now he would at least had contacted me to explain what happened, maybe he had time to think about what happened and think about our relationship and know he hurted me and want to apologize? I just can't understand how someone just hurts someone that way and not have any remorse..

    I refuse to believe he doesn't think of me and miss me...I refuse to believe that everything we went thru he just threw out the window..I know our love was strong I felt it everyday my gut instincts couldn't have been that off...I still feel he loves me I like to think when I think of him he is thinking of me too...and when he sees things that remind him of me he smiles and replays that moment in his head...I'm healing it's been 9 days I am but all this comes to me and I get a Lil sad...that poof just like that I'm not part of his life.

  3. He is not married he has never been married his children are mostly grown he has a teenager that lives mostly with him...he always has issues with his son's mother but he always talks about it with me he asks for advise and I also calm him down when he is upset over something that happened between them...

    Wiseman2 he told me in the text not to ask him why we were over ..he said we are done no need to text asking why...the whole thing makes no sense...I never saw it coming...I like to believe that he would tell me if he was terminally ill if he was having financial issues...it just doesn't make sense to end a relationship of 3+ years so suddenly...and not explain to at least give me peace of mind and it would have been better for me to move on knowing what was on his mind...

  4. Thank you so much Lambert...it's very hurtful that the person you love and shared so much with does that...it shows he never really loved me...someone that loves you doesn't just break it off without an explanation knowing it will hurt the other person because if you really loved the person you would give them the right to know why...

    Im mad yes very mad and that's what I hold on to so I can move on...I cry so much I cry because he didn't have the respect to tell me why...

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  5. I have talked to myself since it happen making up different scenarios in my head maybe he's going thru something he's embarrassed to tell me..something financial perhaps something with his children and instead of being quiet and have me ask what's wrong he might have thought that keeping me out of it would help...

    But that breaks my heart even more because I thought we were a team I thought he knew I would be here thru thick and thin there was nothing in this world he couldn't share with me and we would both work thru it I always would talk life into him...I was his biggest fan and supporter...I would have moved in better if I knew the reason the not knowing is what's keeping me stuck...I want to know I will pass this heartache...

  6. Stargazer I really feel if illness had been the issue he would have said it...he was very open we talked w out everything and anything under the sun...we had that type of relationship we laughed about stupid things we could sit in the room silent and just the presence of each other was enough...he was a clown he made me laugh I felt safe with him...I pretty much lost my best friend...

  7. Wiseman2 he is 43...when I say usual arguments every couple has little things that they have disagreements about it was anything that we blew up about or disrespected each other....we were pretty much best friends...we could talk about anything...this is why I'm so hurt because he could have ended it differently at least an explanation and not a don't text me to know why I'm dumping you...he cheated me out of knowing why he wanted to end things...I hear everywhere is better to not say anything because I might get a response that would hurt me .ore...at this point I don't think there is anything that would hurt me more than I am...


    Miss Canuck yes it has to be something he is not telling me however even if his feelings changed for me the realtionship we had I thought he would have done this differently...I just can't understand it...

  8. I didn't text him or called him since it happened as bad as he treated me with that text I am respecting his wishes isn't that insane...he dumped me like trash and I'm respecting his wishes of no contact...maybe one day I will know...maybe one day when he finds himself missing me and decides to come back I will ask then...again thank you for your listening to me and your kind words...I have a lot of healing to do everything reminds me of him...I gather all the things he gave me and put them away I can't look at them...hoping that helps me heal...

  9. Not even a lil suspicion he was always the same I love you's caring affectionate texts through out the day just to tell me he was thinking about me I miss you's...I did not see this coming that's y it hurts so much so much...I so appreciate your kind words I don't wish him wrong because I love him and I thought he loved me he never show signs that he didn't...but yes karma does exist and you don't do that to someone that loved you so intensely so passionately...I wanted to marry him and I never had that feeling before with anyone...

    I really do hope I can heal from this soon it's breaking me apart

  10. Thank you so much for understanding I never had this experience usually when people break up they sit down or even a phone call would have been better it shows how he really felt about me...he didn't care...at least even on text say this is not working we are done  I don't see a future anything even if he wasn't sincere at least a reason would have put me more at ease...I feel so disrespected it hurts...no we don't have friends in common and his friends are super loyal to him...I will never know why he robbed me of knowing almost like he hates me and wanted to hurt me...I just hope he misses me at least we had a very intense beautiful relationship..

  11. Yes not even the decency for an explanation...treated me like trash like he just met me... like 3+years was nothing to him...and it hurts but I think I'm in denial saying to myself this not possible hes going to come back and say he was joking ( it wouldn't be acceptable you don't joke like that) but I feel he just needed space and didn't know how to ask for it... 

  12. I'm broken hearted my boyfriend of 3+ years broke up with me suddenly, we were fine the night before he even sent the gm text he sent every morning and then 30 mins later he sent me a message saying we were done not to text him to know why and said goodbye....I didn't say anything at all complete radio silence. It's been a week and at first I was fine with it initial shock I guess but as time goes by I find myself crying...and wondering why he did that and if he will even miss me...wee had a good relationship we went on vacations wedding together we could talk a bout anything and everything no judgement...we had normal couple disagreements nothing I thought was a reason for him breaking up like that...nothing is forever that's reality however I never thought he would do that I at least thought when it happen if it did I was hoping it never did again but is reality that he would be a little more thoughtful...I would have never done him like that...

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