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Posts posted by mmm

  1. there are thousands of people addicted to porn, it destroys intamacy and encourages selfishness, neither of which help marraiges or families. "every body does it" right? no that is wrong. alot of people do it, that is true. but alot of people are divorcing or kill themselves because of the trap. even people in the industry (although it is not well publicized) kill themselves to get out of it's clutches. i know many children molested because of it. I know a few men in prison because of this addiction that started out as "harmless" viewing. you see it is like an epedemic in my family- you know like there are some families where alcoholism is a problem, and some where physical abuse is a problem- well this is the one that plagues mine. so just remember before you look at it you have a choice, you could look or you don't have to. but once you start down that path it takes more and moe erotic adrenalin to give you that high from the beginning. and when you least expect it- you are hooked.

  2. I found out about my husbands porn addiction shortly after we were married. I confronted him angrily and we did not have much sex the first year- I left alot. Back then he was in college and He might spend 6- 8 hours on the intranet and he bought movies, etc. He is, aside from this, a man with a lot of integrity and very wonderful so I couldn't really leave. I have tried everything I could think of. I have never turned him down sexually. I have done what that one girl said, I tried the tasting him thing two times a day. That did not change it. I have dressed up for him. One thing I have learned is he does not want me to be those women. That used to upset me. He thinks of those women as objects. not people. I even cheated on him once and he took me back about two years into our marraige. We have gotten where we could talk about it. We worked on helping him understand that I know what he does and still love him. It is down to where he doesn't try to get me to leave anymore. and he really does not do it often. It goes in cycles. sometimes its everyday.one hour tops. other times it is once a week. and even others once a month. I have read everything that I can get my hands on about the situation.

    after doing all of the wrong things these make things the best.

    1. love your husband.

    2. always talk to him with truth and compassion

    3. be someone he can talk to about it

    4. Pray for him several times a day. especially when you hurt.

    5. remember he is trapped. think of him as a little boy when he is straying. this problem takes away his man hood. pornography is a problem that promises to make him feel a certain way and all it does is creates a void.

    6. If you catch him with your spy software. start out by hugging him real big. tell him you know he had a tuff day- infact if i were you and had that software i would never tell him. try to pay attention to the signs that he gives. I have gotten to where I can tell that he is going to go there when I leave. get in tune with him that well.

    7. give him someone to run to when he goes there.

    8. don't try to compete, it has nothing to do with us.(i know it does not feel that way)

    9. encourage him to get a male friend to talk to. (make sure it is someone that thinks it is wrong.)

    10. he can not get out alone.

    11. I know people who have gotten out. it is possible.

    12.love him,be there for him.


    believe in him always, especially when he does not believe in himself.

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